Tuesday, February 28, 2017


The Ideal that Destroys or Unites

My family has taught me that people are always equal, regardless of who they are. They can be poor, look different, and/or have little to no education, but still they are equal, they are human. Equality: the idea that all are equal, not in appearance but in rights, opportunities, etc. It doesn’t matter what you look like and how you live on the outside, what does matter is who the person is on the inside and thanks to my parents I believe that this is true.
An instance where my parents’ ideals helped me become more accepting of others is when I was in Africa at a small school. I was nervous when I went in. I had never met these people before, what would they think of me, would they believe I was “better” because of where I come from? My thoughts scattered in all directions, and my mind was racing. My family and I were the only white people in the school, but as soon I went into the first building all my nerves settled down, there were smiling faces all around. Our guide looked like he knew everyone there, he would pat the children on the head (which is a custom in Tanzania), and said hi to all the teachers. I realized that there was no point in being nervous, we are all the same, and they were happy and so was I. At that point, not even the lions scared me, for no one could stop the happiness emanating from the rooms. The teacher introduced us and we played Tiny Wings, a mobile app, for the rest of class. I can still remember the looks on their faces when the iPad turned on, and they saw me playing the game. They were infatuated with the fact that a sheet of glass could project a bird going over hills, for me this was a regular sight, I played Tiny Wings all the time. It was almost humorous, to see all the broad smiles filled with joy, the eyes widened with curiosity, from the look of them the iPad might have been a Lamborghini. I have always tried to look at everyone as equals and tried to bring happiness to people, but from that day forward I was inspired to do so.
Even though the things around me make me do things that I would consider to be kind acts of equality, my voice is one of billions. It doesn’t change the minds of all the others, but to those of you that read this, I have a challenge for you. Try to look at issues with an equal mind every day, try to help those that are oppressed because they are considered “lesser." One act can change the interactions between millions.We have many issues regarding equality on a global scale. They seem to be the worst of the worst, but I believe that with time we as a human race can solve these issues.

Image result for world flagwww.flagofplanetearth.com

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