Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Four Explorers Creation Myth for the Exploration of Mars Post

The Four Explorers
By Gus

There were once four explorers. They all wanted to travel to Mars, but they didn’t have anything to offer the inhabitants once they got there. You see there are several beings on Mars, they offer peace in return for gifts that they find thoughtful. If you don’t succeed in pleasing the martians, they will not be so hospitable and will typically dole out punishments. The four explorers decided that they would each bring an item unique to Earth as offerings. The first brought a flute made out of the whitest ivory. The second brought a delicious piece of meat because he thought that the beings might be hungry. The third brought a sword with a handle made of polished whalebone and the fourth brought a colored sheet of glass, for he had an inclination of what the beings valued. They rode their craft to Mars and met the beings. The martians called them over and told them to present their gifts. The one with the flute went first. He was instantly denied because of his celebration of animal carving and exiled back to Earth. The second, discouraged but still willing to give his gift, served the meat to the beings, but, the slaughtering of animals displeased them. As punishment, the second was to be the advisor to one of the beings for the rest of his life. The third gave the sword, and the martians were not pleased, why would they want a weapon of war in their land? The third was to live among the martians and take care of them for as long as there were seasons. The fourth gave his gift of colored glass, but unlike the rest, the beings looked extremely pleased with the gift. They called him over and said, “Thank you, unlike most men, your consideration for the well-being of life is appreciated. You will be rewarded with the gifts of shelter, land, and peace.” To this day you can still see the lights of the first traveler.

Friday, December 2, 2016

My Bill of Rights for Mars.

  1. Earth's first amendment - I believe that the freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, assembly because without them superiority would become the maim priority, which is not good for a healthy country.
  2. Right to trail on Earth- - I think this is important because in my opinion only a few hundred people will be on Mars in a couple years so people would know each other. This would ruin a law system because the jury and the judge wouldn't be impartial.
  3. Right to alcohol - I think that this is important because people should have the chance to relax on Mars even though it is a lot of work. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
  4. Right to leave Mars - This is important because if people lose their minds on Mars they should have the chance to return to what they know is home.
  5. Right to own land - This is important because at some point there will be enough people that there actually is competition for land and you will need a place to live on your own.
  6. Rights of the people - These are important for people because if there are only 10 amendments they can't cover what is most important to people.
  7. Right to warrant - The law cannot search or confiscate anything within your quarters without a warrant. This is important because if the law suspects someone even though they are not guilty, they can take anything without reason.
  8. Right to ship items - I know this sounds unnecessary, however there is a massive amount of distance b/t Mars and Earth depending on where they are in accordance to each other. If you need something you should be able to have it shipped to you even though it's far away.
  9. Right to compensation - This is important because if the government wants to develope something they shouldn't be able to just take your property away from you.
  10. Right to bear arms - This is important because if their is a person trying to harm you, I believe you should be able to defend yourself. 

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My application to Mars. (not real)

I come from a world with people that love and cherish every day. At the age of eight I traveled around the world with my family. This gave me more appreciation for how small our world truly is compared to the millions of galaxies that we are surrounded by. I have since visited places such as China, Greece, and Portugal. This makes me compatible with several different cultures and people. I have always tried to stay with my identity and have dedicated myself to karate. I have been doing karate for 6 years and am currently at a third degree brown belt. This shows perseverance, and although I have debated quitting several times, but my parents gave me the courage to keep going. I am a calm and level headed person and have tried to steer clear of social norms, I have not one social media profile. I have always been interested in battle tactics and Japanese culture. To tell you the truth this document is really hard for me to write because I am repulsed by writing about myself. No matter what people say I will always try to explore the unknown and I believe that Mars is the next step in our evolutionary ladder. Thank you for considering me.
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Monday, October 24, 2016

My Declaration of Independence?

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for me to dissolve the bands which have connected me with tests, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that I should declare the causes which impel me to the separation. I believe tests are truly intolerable, if one does one's homework, quizzes, and classwork, one should know what the material the teacher has taught us is. The student that does not know the class is the one that doesn't care, if you do pay attention you shouldn't have to take assessments which cause stress and long hours of studying to learn what has already been announced. Although I agree that tests can sometimes be good there are some that are not worth it. Some teachers may disagree but frequent quizzes work just as well as infrequent tests. I have stated my point and I will stick by it for as long as there are tests on this earth.

P.S. Like I said I believe that some tests are necessary, so teachers of the world, do not take this to harshly.
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Thursday, October 20, 2016


In this blog post I will discuss the leadership properties of two characters from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. The first poem is Arnold Spirit and the second Penelope.

Where I’m From
by Arnold Spirit (a.k.a. me)

I am from Jack Daniels
 and cold, and old housing.
I am from green forests with no horizons
 and branches so thick even an eagle couldn’t see through them.
I am from Thanksgivings with family, and friends,
 and from drinking and gambling.
 I am from my Mother and Father
 which are the twin suns around which I orbit,
 from Adams, my mother's maiden name,
 from Spirit my father's last name.
I am from no hope and extreme hunger,
from cartoons from which the world can hear my voice,
but cartoons will never take the place of food or money.
 I am from basketball and almost no friends,
 from popular who are to scared to let their feelings out.
I am from God and Warriors
two important things in my life that keep me going and slow me down.
I am from Spokane,
from Washington,
from America.
 I am from fry bread and holy Kentucky Fried Chicken.
 I am from saxophone players that would’ve been something if they got the chance,
 the truth of what we Native Americans are destined to become,
and from my mother's photographic memory.
I am from powwows with chickens,
my favorite,
 from schools with 30-year-old textbooks with our parents’ names on them,
 I even through it at a teacher (a good one too),
 and from postcards from Montana with RV’s on the front.
This is where I’m from

 and it is where I will leave on a journey to something.

Leadership Properties: Junior is a good leader because he knows how to influence people and allow them to feel empathy for him so that they become friends. He can also make people feel good about themselves.

Where I’m From
by Penelope (a.k.a. me)

I’m from Gap,
 from pine trees
 with many brothers and sisters happily living out their lives in peace.
 I’m from being pretty, smart, and popular,
 and being scared all the time because of it.
I’m from Earl,
 from racism,
 from neglect.
 I’m from Indians are bad,
 and don’t let your feelings show.
Image result for gold medal clip art  I am from Christianity,
 the town religion, of which I believe.
 I’m from racist Reardan
where we like whites.
 I’m from pork and steak,
from fathers hiding in plain sight,
 and farming tools.
But most of all I’m from a town with people that are so wrapped up in community they forget about the individual.

Leadership Properties: Penelope is a good leader because she knows how to influence people in many different ways. She can also sway opinions which is good if she wants to be a leader because goo leaders need to know how to make convincing points that influence other people.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My life compared to the first colonists of America.

Family Life: Family life in the colonies typically consisted of many children because of most of the massive amounts of farms which needed many people to keep running. They also almost always accepted old relatives that need to be taken care of into their homes without a second thought even though there was almost no room. In my town, there are typically only one or two children in families and they typically receive a good education before they start working in their late teens. They also put their relatives into elderly homes (depending on the occasion) instead of bringing them into their house to stay for the rest of their lives if they become unable to care for themselves.

Education: The education in the first colonies was typically hired a tutor or a parent from another household, however in New England they required proper schools within villages that had more than 100 people. The New England education system, the most like mine, is still very far away from what we use today. For example , the only book they used is called the New England Primer which was used for the alphabet, syllables, and religion. Today we use multiple different books and teachers to learn what we need to learn for our years to come.

City Life: City life in the colonists times is actually pretty similar to my town. People drank in taverns and gossiped in shops. They traded furs, jewelry, and other fine items. Some of the most obvious differences though are the fact that they had open sewers, animal manure, and other nasty stuff lying in their streets (which I hope no-one still has today). They also had a lot of oil and other flammables so they had to keep water buckets outside of their homes in case of an emergency.
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Thursday, October 6, 2016

What do I identify with?

In the book, The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, the protagonist, Junior, says that he identifies with many tribes. In this blog post, I will discuss what tribes I think I identify with. The first tribe I identify with is the gamers, those of us that like to play video games as much as possible and immerse ourselves in an alternate reality where we can be what we want to be without rules. The second tribe I identify with is the sushi eaters, the people that like to eat raw fish and crab until we almost become sick because we eat too much. The third and final tribe I identify with is the readers, almost like video games we enjoy to sit down and become the main protagonist in our own minds. I hope this allows you (the people of the internet) to know me more.
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Monday, September 26, 2016

Who I am.

Where I come from: I come from Santa Barbara, CA which is a beach town with farmland beyond the hills of its shore.
What matters to me: I think that respect is one of the most important qualities in humans and it's what I value the most.
What I like: I like sushi and gaming, specifically fps shooters, but I also diverge from that genre.
Where I want to go in my life: I want to become a gaming coder when I grow up, I'm young by the way, and hopefully work for a company like Blizzard or Ubisoft.
What I don't like: I don't like when people beat me in FIFA (it really sucks!).
What I hope for: I hope that I am successful when I grow up, even though that sounds selfish I hope to provide for my family.
What I need: I particularly need anything, but if I really wanted something it would be a Lamborghini Murcielago, even though I'm not old enough to drive. 
Who I am: I am just a guy on a planet with 7.1 million people who wants to be able to do what he wants, like traveling, when he grows up.